WTTC Releases Post Pandemic Insurance Guidelines

The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) has issued new insurance guidelines to boost  global consumer confidence to help encourage traveling post the pandemic

The WTTC president, Gloria Guevara, stated: “Insurance is vital for travelers to have peace of mind and confidence to travel and it is now more important than ever to create confidence for consumers traveling in the ‘new normal’ of Covid-19.” 

The WTTC President continued: “We have worked closely with key players across the travel insurance industry to make recommendations to ensure individual travelers, groups and organizations can feel safe and confident enough to travel, sure in the knowledge, they have the protection they need.” And it was also added, “The measures outlined in our Insurance Guidelines should help guide travel insurers to create products which contain every contingency needed offer reassurance to enable travel to recommence to those countries which have relaxed their border controls and travel restrictions.”

Beijing Capital International Airport

The new guidelines by WTTC are divided into four important pillars

The WTTC’s new guideline is divided into four pillars including operational and staff preparedness; rebuilding trust and confidence; ensuring safe experience; innovation; and implementation of enabling policies. 

Insurance is an important part of the tourism experience, as it provides peace of mind and risk mitigation to customers, suppliers, and organizations across the sector. The new guidelines are designed for safe return, responsible and healthy travel, and ensure the insurance sector is right for the purpose to operate for travelers in the ‘new normal’ world.  

The new guidelines aim to promote the consistent standards for all relevant functions prioritizing health and safety, in line with what travelers’ needs and expectations. It provides insights about insurance for the tourism private sector to equip them with knowledge of risks, the insurance coverage needed to look for, and the attainment of the right coverage for their needs.

Further detailed discussions took place with key organizations and stakeholders to ensure maximum buy-in, practical implementation, alignment, and to discuss the clear expectations for the travelers’ experience. 

Also Read: UNWTO Unveils ‘Tourism of Tomorrow’ Challenge


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