New Research Finds Flying To Be Top Concern For Travellers During COVID-19

New research by J.D Power, a market research firm, has identified the biggest coronavirus related concern for travelers. According to data by J.D Power, 37 percent of respondents were worried about catching the virus while on an aircraft. Only six percent were concerned about catching it at the destination and two percent at the hotel. Flying has emerged as the prominent concern for travelers once they choose to resume their travel activities. 

Research in the past also revealed that individuals feel much safer when they can control their surrounding environments which could include disinfecting surfaces, wearing masks and ensuring they stay six feet away from people around them. 

What safety measures are considered most important at airports?

Respondents believe that mandatory facial coverings for everyone along with advanced cleaning practices were top priorities. This study also identified that travel suppliers who broadcast their coronavirus prevention efforts are being rewarded with higher loyalty from customers. The new study also found that satisfaction has increased at airports during the pandemic and that 24 percent of respondents said they were not worried about contracting COVID-19.

Also Read: Virgin Atlantic Gears Up To Distribute COVID-19 Vaccines Globally


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