Israel Tourism Hopes To Reopen Completely In Summer 2021

Israel is gearing up to bring back tourists to the nation in the summer of 2021. The Israel ministry of tourism has come up with a plan to target tourists in 2021. The plan includes  adaptation to the COVID-19 era in major spaces covered by the activities of the ministry, including marketing, infrastructure and the tourist experience. 2020 began with the hope that the incoming tourists would increase to the country however as widespread travel bans became the norm, international tourist arrivals plummeted.

81 percent decline in tourist arrivals in 2020

In 2020, a total of 850,000 tourists entered the country which is a decrease of 81 percent as compared to the previous year. The ministry of tourism has been working on a series of strategies to preserve tourist infrastructure. 

Israel minister of tourism, Orit Farkash-Hacohen, said: “The past year has dealt a severe blow to the tourism industry. Such a year should be used to strengthen and build infrastructure, work plans and programs that strengthen the industry for the moment when it can reopen.This, alongside concern for the people working in the tourism industry during such a time when their income has been totally decimated.Despite the difficulties, we were able to implement significant plans that helped the economy during this period.”

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