Abu Dhabi To Introduce Regulations For Holiday Homes To Maintain Quality Standards

New regulations on organizing and licensing holidays home in Abu Dhabi will be launched by The Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi (DCT Abu Dhabi). The decision was issued by the Executive Council of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

The new regulations will govern the provision and use of holiday homes because there has been a rising demand for alternatives to established hotels and hotel apartments. The rules will ensure that all properties listed for tourists and travelers are licensed and meet Abu Dhabi’s high quality and service standards.

These new regulations will offer Abu Dhabi a chance to embrace innovation and technology in the tourism sector. It will also work as a framework for holiday homes that are in line with international best practices. Quality standards will help enhance the customer’s experience and also offer a wide variety of accommodation options to travellers. 

What will the regulations address?

The holiday homes will be given licenses only if they meet the high-quality standards set to maintain the sterling reputation of Abu Dhabi as a travel destination. The regulations will address four key challenges: Units currently operating without a license; the effect unlicenced units have on the price of hotel rooms; the challenge of housing availability; and also residential community concerns.

Saood Al Hosani, Acting Undersecretary of DCT Abu Dhabi said, “This resolution provides additional support to the sustainable ecosystem in the tourism sector, and helps enhance economic diversification in Abu Dhabi. The Executive Council of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi’s decision also ensures fair competition and equal opportunities between different tourism establishments in the emirate through laws and regulations, enabling the provision of stellar services to tourists. The regulations will enable us to register all these units in one system while providing a database for all licensed vacation homes in Abu Dhabi.” 


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