Ministry Of Tourism Launches Portal To Offer Assistance To Stranded Foreign Tourists

The Indian Ministry of Tourism has launched a portal to extend support to all foreign tourists stranded in India due to the coronavirus pandemic. The ‘Stranded In India’ portal disseminates information regarding all the services that these tourists can avail while they are in India, waiting to return home. The portal aims to act as a support network for all international tourists stuck in various parts of the country. 

Portal has comprehensive information 

The portal has comprehensive information on COVID-19 helpline numbers or call-centers that the foreign tourists can reach out to for help. There is also a host of information about the Ministry of External Affairs control centers along with their contact information as well as information around state-based/regional tourism support infrastructure. The website also has a section that extends help to foreign tourists if they want to connect with concerned authorities. 


As the entire world grapples with rising coronavirus cases, there has been a consistent effort on behalf of the Ministry of Tourism to ensure the wellbeing of tourists. There are many initiatives designed to help all those who are in need of support during this trying time. 



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