FAITH Requests Indian Government To Address Negative Travel Advisory By USA

The Federation of Associations in Indian Tourism and Hospitality (FAITH) has requested the Indian Government to talk to the US with respect to the negative travel advisory issued for India.

What is included in the negative travel advisory for India?

According to the travel advisory, the US has given India a 4 rating from 1-4 with 4 being the highest travel risk rating for a country. This has been followed by a ‘do not travel’ statement.

FAITH said, “We are hopeful that this issue will be taken up on a government to government level quickly. We need to prevent the negative perception of India. The country is trying to kick-start the revival of its highly stressed tourism industry reeling from the disastrous impact of COVID-19.”

negative travel advisory


Apart from this, the rating also draws light to other issues like crimes against women, terrorism, and insurgency. Since Aug 23, 2020 countries like Iran, Syria, Yemen, Pakistan, and Iraq have also been included in this category.

The US is one of the top countries where tourists come to visit India in large numbers. On average, US tourists stay in India for around 28 days compared to other source markets.

If this travel advisory is revised it will help in reviving the Indian tourism sector. It will also encourage tourists to visit India without any doubts or concerns.

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