Air India Launches Nonstop Bengaluru – San Francisco Service From 2021

Air India has added a non-stop  twice weekly service between Bengaluru and San Francisco from January 11, 2021. This is the first nonstop flight between Bengaluru and the United States which connects the original Silicon Valley and the Silicon Valley of India.

This new addition is a major milestone for the Bengaluru airport. It will help passengers gain faster and easier access to cities on the West Coast of the United States. The nonstop service will meet the demand of corporate customers. Air India hopes to operate  a 238-seater Boeing 777-200 LR aircraft, to serve the largest unserved international origin/ destination (O/D) market for BLR Airport. 

New route will set a record for the airline

This new route will set two records for Air India, it will be its longest route at 14,000+ km (8,698 miles) and longest flight to and from India (over 16 hours). Ticket bookings have already opened. 

Also Read: Airline Losses To Touch $118bn And $38.7 Bn In 2020 And 2021 Respectively


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